Just the words mold and mildew can make a person shiver, so imagine those unpleasant, unhealthy growths on your siding! They’re unsightly, and they can also do damage to your home over time. If you see signs of mold and mildew on siding, take steps right away to remove it and prevent future growth. Here’s how to do that effectively.
Why Mold and Mildew Appear on Siding
There are many reasons mold and mildew may show up on your home exterior. They tend to thrive in areas that are damp, shady, and lacking in ventilation. Climates that have high humidity foster their growth. Also, you’re more likely to deal with mold and mildew on homes that have:
- A lack of direct sunlight
- Poor drainage around their foundation
- Trees and shrubs too close to their exterior
- Gutters or sprinklers that splash water onto their siding
The Importance of Addressing Mold and Mildew on Siding Immediately
Mold and mildew can grow on any type of siding—from wood and vinyl to fiber cement siding like James Hardie. The discolored spots these growths create look unpleasant, diminishing your home’s attractiveness. But beyond that, mildew and mold can cause costly issues when left unchecked. They can get underneath siding to eat away at plywood, drywall, and floorboards. Mold especially can also spread indoors, doing damage there too, and causing respiratory problems for people and pets who live in the house.
If you inspect your siding and notice signs of mold and mildew, don’t overlook what you’re seeing. Act quickly to remove the growths and protect your home.
Effective Cleaning Methods for Moldy Siding
Whether your siding is made of natural wood, vinyl, or fiber cement, the approach to removing mold and mildew is similar. Follow these steps:
1. Gather the Right Tools
You’ll need a garden hose, garden sprayer, soft-bristle brush/sponge, and a bucket. Cover plants with protective tarps. Avoid a pressure washer, especially on James Hardie siding, because the high-pressure spray can do damage.
2. Prep Cleaning Solution
Siding can be sensitive, so take care with what you choose. Oxygen bleach works well and is eco-friendly. Avoid chlorine bleach, which harms siding and plants. Alternatives like commercial mildew removers made for siding, trisodium phosphate and water, or white vinegar and water (in a 1:1 solution) may work, but test them first on a small, inconspicuous spot.
3. Apply Cleanser
Rinse the surface with plain water. Then, place the cleaning solution in a sprayer and apply it generously to the mold-mildew spots, working from bottom to top.
4. Gently Scrub
After letting the solution sit and work for 10-15 minutes, use the brush/sponge to lightly scrub away mold and mildew. Apply additional cleanser to any stubborn spots, then scrub again.
5. Rinse Thoroughly
Starting from the top and working downward, rinse siding with clean water until all the cleaning solution is washed away. Avoid aiming the hose under siding edges to prevent moisture intrusion.
How to Prevent Siding from Getting Mold and Mildew
The best way to deal with mold and mildew is to prevent it from occurring. To do that:
Care for Your Exterior Regularly
Consistent maintenance can eliminate the conditions that allow mold and mildew to thrive.
- Regularly rinse siding to remove dirt.
- Inspect siding to spot mold/mildew early.
- Trim trees and shrubs so they don’t rub against siding.
Ensure Proper Drainage Around Your Exterior
Mildew and mold grow in damp environments, so look for ways to stop excess moisture.
- Clean gutters regularly.
- Grade soil so it drains away from your foundation.
- Adjust sprinklers so they don’t spray siding.
- Add soffit vents to improve ventilation in the attic.
- Install French drains if needed.
Preserve Your Home with Beautiful, Long-Lasting Siding
As you inspect and clean your home exterior, you may notice more serious issues such as aging, deteriorating siding. Remember, new siding can safeguard your house by ensuring it effectively resists moisture—which lessens mold and mildew growth, prevents leaks, and more!
At Smart Exteriors, we take pride in precise craftsmanship that gives you peace of mind. Learn more about our siding installation services—and picture your home transformed with attractive, durable siding.